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Showing posts from July, 2023


If you have landed on this page, then welcome and hello. As the blog title suggests, this is a shared space for navigating the murky avenue of ‘midlife’.   I created this blog, so that I can share with you, all the weird and wonderful things I have trialled, adopted and dabbled in, during this strange transitioning time of life. My life now, looks 100% opposite, to how it was 5-10 years ago. There was a significant period of change for me and in all honesty, my transforming is still evolving. I’m now in a place where I accept that life is a continuous journey and we all have a story to tell, so that we can share, learn and support each other. Let me get straight to it – my roles have changed, my body (internal and external) have changed, my outlook of life has changed, what I place importance on has changed, my relationships have changed, my relationship with myself has changed and my priorities have changed. Please use this platform to recognise that you are not alone and we can


 Learning Gratitude For me, gratitude has been a developing skill that's taken me conscious effort to adopt. I truly believe that reaching my midlife years has allowed me the head space to be more considered about the everyday things that we generally take for granted. There's no question that I've been grateful for so many things, throughout my whole life but when I was younger, the things that I caught myself being grateful for, where generally quite significant things. For instance, generous gifts or major events that brought me joy. I was totally blind to the joy and gratitude that can be seen in every moment. Those moments are there, if we are open, conscious and willing to see them. However,  this takes patience and regular practice. Perceptions of Gratitude Life circumstances and experiences shape our 'openness' in being able to recognise all the magnificent things we have in our lives. So, it is not without context for each person. Each of us will arrive at